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As we continue developing our diverse community, we appreciate your support! What started out as a simple plan for a high school club, has now turned into a worldwide organization within a few hours. We aim to bring cultures together and educate each other on our differences and similarities. Our vision is to continue creating an environment which would help the youth of the world thrive in a better community and empower each other on their journeys throughout life, building long lasting friendships. This institute will help create a better understanding and a respectful global community in the future. This organization is not exclusive to only South Asians, anyone may join (it's global). Southeast Asia is included as well! This organization is mainly focusing on South Asian culture. However, we will not exclude any other cultures in this institute. This organization is here help all of us connect and learn. So if you want to learn more about South Asian cultures from South Asians, this is the organization for you.

Our Goals